What I've Learned through the M.A.T. thus far...
I thought after two years of subbing I was an expert on all things classroom and curriculum. However, after my first month through the University of Alaska Anchorage's Master of Arts in Teaching program, I am pleasantly surprised to say that my educational and pedagogical perspective has already been revolutionized. Thus far I have learned: *** The role of the student should be that of an apprentice. Students should be guided in methodological instruction and then gradually released to their own independence to create tangible works within that discipline. As a part of the scaffolding process, students should be introduced to a wide range of texts that emphasize any particular discipline as a dialogue between people and competing ideas. Ideally these texts will help to demystify the language and 'rules of the game' which characterize each discipline, and exposed to ways in which they can make cross-disciplinary connections for the further application of the material into ...